Terminal Radar Control (TRACON) and Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)

TRACON and ARTCC TRACON and ARTCC are two different entities that assist aircraft as they journey through different parts of airspace. They work in tandem with each other, but both of them have different jurisdictions or parts of the airspace that they control, when pieced together these different parts make up the whole of the journey that an aircraft undergoes (How Air Traffic Control Works, 2021). What Terminal Radar Control Is Terminal Radar Control or TRACON for short is controlled by the local airport and is part of the system in place to guide ascending and descending aircraft safely, they are responsible for the aircraft when it enters their airspace which is 50 miles, and upon departure they will give the pilot the; heading, speed, and rate of ascent so that the pilot can safely navigate through the regular corridors of ascent (How Air Traffic Control Works, 2021). It tracks an aircraft that enters its airspace by way of a transponder which is activated by the pilot of a...