Security in Aviation

Insider threats in Aviation! The biggest threat to aviation does not always come from an outside occurrence such as FOD getting into an engine or the system failure on an aircraft. The biggest threat in aviation comes from insider terrorist attacks in the form of sabotage, espionage, and hijacking. It takes very few resources to be able to completely disable and kill any who would be riding on an aircraft while destroying that same aircraft in the process by using one of the above techniques. Sabotage is an act or process tending to hamper or hurt and is deliberate subversion (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2022). Sabotage can take place in many ways, whether it's deliberately using improper maintenance practices to cause destruction to an aircraft which could cause catastrophic system failure and death, or it can be on the manufacturer's end by making subpar components that either will not work or have a built-in weakness or fault that wi...